Musux and wetland conservation

Valuable information flow

Autonomous environmental monitoring

Our technological solution is low impact on the ecosystem and cost efficient. It consists of a compact buoy, which has 4 solar panels of 5 watts and a battery that gives it great autonomy even in conditions of low solar radiation.

It has satellite communication, which allows it to operate anywhere on the planet without requiring additional infrastructure.

In addition, it has sensors that allow autonomous and real-time measurement of water quality. That is, it measures physicochemical water variables such as temperature, pH, conductivity, depth and dissolved oxygen, being able to give alerts if the wetland is changing.

All this data is transmitted to a central storage server and can be downloaded to mobile devices, which will help CONAF to have relevant information to conserve wetlands.


Each Musux buoy can be equipped with a multiparameter sensor that allows the measurement of pH, water temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. It also has an additional port for the connection of a depth sensor.

The sensor is self-cleaning, which facilitates its operation without requiring frequent maintenance.


The main communication channel of Musux is satellite, however, LoRaWAN communication can be enabled, whose module is already integrated, or optionally mobile internet communication can be chosen.

Satellite communication allows easy installation anywhere on the planet.


The data is stored in our servers, from where you can access real-time information on the state of the wetland, alarms for out-of-range parameters and information on the operating status of each buoy.

The data are stored for the entire measurement period, facilitating the analysis of historical data.

Measured variables

what do we measure and why?

Each buoy can integrate a multiparametric water quality sensor that allows monitoring the state of different aquatic environments such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, lakes and lagoons.

This sensor allows the reading of up to 7 variables in parallel, requires low maintenance and integrates a self-cleaning sensor that allows its use in various environments.

Musux lateral

Conductivity, or conductance, is the ability of water to conduct electrical currents, which is commonly measured in microsiemens (µS) divided by centimeter (cm). It can also be measured in millisiemens (mS), which is equivalent to 1000 µS. The conductivity of water is directly related to the amount of total dissolved solids, which are mostly mineral salts.

Why is it important to know the conductivity of water in a wetland?

Water conductivity provides valuable information about the type of basin in which the water bodies sampled are located, due to the processes of surface runoff caused by precipitation, which allows the deposition of mineral salts from the basin soils to rivers or lagoons. Therefore, basins with little mineralization present washes with few salts, which means that the freshwater bodies in the area will have low conductivity < 1500 uS/cm. The opposite occurs in sedimentary basins. In addition, there may be saline input from the sea which generates water conditions Subsaline > 1500 and below 5000 uS/cm, Hyposaline > 5000 to 35,000 uS/cm, and mesosaline above this value.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of gaseous oxygen that is dissolved in water (ADECUA, 2008) and is required for respiration and decomposition of organic matter. Oxygen is an essential element for all forms of aquatic life in natural waters. Its concentration in water varies with temperature, salinity, turbulence, photosynthetic activity of algae and plants, and atmospheric pressure (meters above sea level), where 5.0 mg/L is the minimum amount required, which comes mostly from the atmosphere.

Why is it important to know the dissolved oxygen in water?

Without dissolved oxygen there is no life and its lack will indicate species mortality, and therefore the loss of biodiversity of a wetland due to lack of food. It is the most relevant element in the degradation of organic matter and pollution. A characteristic of its absence is the presence of bad odors.

The pH is a measure of the degree of acidity and alkalinity of water and, in general, of a solution. Its values follow a scale ranging from 0 to 14 (i.e., from very acidic to very alkaline), where pH 7 represents a neutral condition. Thus, the pH index indicates degrees of acidity, which ultimately means the relative amount of hydrogen ions in the water.

Why is it important to know the pH of water in a wetland?

pH is an important variable in the monitoring and evaluation of water quality, as it influences many biological and chemical processes within a water body, as well as all processes associated with water supply and treatment. The pH of most natural waters is between the range of 6.0 and 8.5. At these levels most aquatic life, whether plant or animal, thrives. The lowest values (acidic) are found in dilute waters with high organic matter content while the highest values (alkaline) occur in eutrophic waters or in saline lakes.

Temperature is an intrinsic physical variable of water bodies deeply subjected to solar radiation and climatic fluctuations of the atmosphere and thus to the reaction rate of chemical and biological processes in the water body.

Temperature variations in a body of water occur seasonally (summer to winter), during the day (morning to evening) and in the water column as such, because the surface part will tend to have a higher temperature than the deep part.

Its influence on biological processes is related to the metabolic rate of aquatic organisms, such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

This physical variable indicates the volume of a body of water and its variation gives us information on the water supply or deficit with respect to climatic conditions.

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